Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wireless Internet Planning for Small Business & Online College Students

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 

In a perfect world, every day would be sunny, equipment would never be damaged and the internet would always work. 

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Research by networking giant Cisco found that 43% of internet users experience an outage at least once per month. 

25 percent have monthly outages

As surprising as this may be, the more interesting statistic is this: Over 60% of people simply contact the service provider and then wait for service to be restored. Less than 2% have a backup internet plan.

Why should I have a backup plan? I'm paying for internet!
While we at Echo Wireless strive to give our customers the best internet possible, outages are inevitable at some point. The nature of wireless service makes it susceptible to inclement weather - and the severe storms in Texas during 2016 have proven this. There is little we can do to prevent lightning strikes and other device failure, although our outages are far less frequent and do not tend to last as long as the averages for the internet industry.

So knowing that there will be outages, the smart thing to do is have a backup for the rare times that your device malfunctions, our device malfunctions, or severe weather hits. 

What can I use for backup internet?
The best option for outages is a mobile hotspot. Yes, this will cost more in the form of a data package, but it will ensure that you have internet in the case of an outage. This is especially important for customers who work from home or attend online college. 

If you need more information about using a mobile hotspot, contact your mobile carrier and find a data plan that will best suit your needs.